Training sets, exercises, and efforts are the terms we use to describe the physical activity that aims to develop specific qualities or abilities. In swimming and other endurance sports, final results and performance directly correlate with how much energy the athlete can produce at a particular distance or time of effort. The efforts at different durations are “financed” through different energy pathways or mechanisms, which are referred to as “Energy” or “Training Zones.” Therefore, when the Zones are properly defined, they become specific targets for our exercises. In that sense, training sets or exercises are adding a new dimension – time of effort – to selected levels of intensity – paces.
Each training Energy Production Mechanism requires a special approach and conditions to improve. This realization led to the classification of training exercises, helping every effort to be effective and produce maximum training effect in every department we address. In spite of the fact that numerous possible combinations exist, all exercises can be divided into four training formats, where each format is specific for maximization of training effect in specific training zone :
- Continuous effort – ideal for aerobic development, Zone Ib (effort close to Aerobic Threshold) and Ia (effort close to Anaerobic threshold)
- Interval – Zones II and III (Aerobic Capacity and Power)
- Repetitive – Zones IV and V – Anaerobic Power and Capacity
- Maximum effort
You can read more about Energy Zones by following this link.
It is important to note that your sets will be relevant ONLY if the reference time selected in the App Settings section is realistic and close to the swimmer’s CURRENT ability. Setting targets above (faster) current abilities will make these sets damaging both in the short and long term perspective.