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why individual training goals are important

If you have more than one swimmer in your group, any set assignment will be more beneficial for one person, leaving the second to deal with goals that are not specific to this swimmer’s true ability or training needs.  As a result, you should expect different responses from all of your group participants when you prescribe one send-off time in any set. 

To achieve better results across your team, you want to be more specific with any target you prescribe.  That is exactly what the Smart Paces app is designed to deliver   

Exclusive to the Professional level of Smart Paces (Versions 2.1 and 2.2), we offer the ability to calculate individual training goals for every swimmer in your group and view them on the same page for easy comparison.    


While the Individual Targets per Set feature is very powerful, it is also extremely easy to use.  To take advantage of this feature. All you need is to

add swimmers and distribute them by groups.  You need to select Group (Under “Groups”) and have at least one swimmer assigned to

 this group to initiate this feature.

After that, we will do all the work for you. 

  1. Open the “Sets” tab and select the planned intensity level.  
  2. Select the desired working interval and number of intervals in the set.
  3. Select “Show by Swimmer” Option and hit “Calculate” button: 

 The set is now calculated based on swimmers’ individual progressions in selected strokes:


Considering that all sets are calculated based on individual results progression curve,  every training set target is calculated at an individual Adaptation Threshold at any given time in the season and designed to drive optimum performance.   If you collect actual times in any set (and any Interval set  (Zones II and III) will be most informative for that purpose), you can easily gauge the direction and rate of adaptation for every swimmer on your team.   The difference between planned and actual set execution is a good indicator of the validity of your goals and athletes’ ability to respond to your overall training program.   The Super Sport Systems’ Progress Analysis feature can further help you to manage both your strategy and swimmers’ progress.