This story came from Coach Randy Walker, Green River, Wyoming. There is not much I can add or comment on it. Suffice to say – I am deeply impressed with what a difference a swim coach can make in his community. Congratulations Coach Walker!
“I coach in a small town in southwest Wyoming. We started with Super Sport Systems just over four years ago. We have gone from a team placing tenth at our club championship to being I am very proud to report the number one team for winter club 2018. This is a first for our club and a first for any Western Wyoming swim club in Wyoming swimming history. The previous champions had won 17 years in a row!”
“We have also have qualified 15 athletes to regional and sectional levels this year. With one athlete placing second and 4th in the 13-year-old girl’s age group breaststroke events in Federal Way Washington”
“3S improves my organization skills tenfold by allowing me to give workouts that fit each group and the athletes’ needs on every training day with targets matching individual times.”
“It also allows me to design and insert the sets I love and use those sets knowing what they will actually do for my athletes.”
“3S has helped all our athletes from sprinters to milers, from eight and unders to seniors. It has given us high point winners, state record relays, individual State records, Zone qualifiers, and futures qualifiers.”
“Our senior swimmers are knocking on the door of junior cuts and beginning to enjoy attention from college programs. We have our first one headed to a Division 1 program this year.”
“I do not know where we would be without 3S and all the things it has done for us. I am so glad we found Super Sport Systems and proud to consider it as one of the pillars of our club.”